Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Love is in the air........

So it’s nearly that time of year for Love…… Valentines Day!! (Not that I will be celebrating as my boyfriend is away until April !!)

Any how I’ve noticed a lot of lovely heart and love themed clothes and accessories in the shops…. So thought I would share some of them with you… (start dropping hints now girls!)

White Heart Print Jeans -River Island - £40.00 Available Here

Pink Leather Heart Purse - Topshop - £12.00 Available Here

Heart Eyelashes - ASOS - £15.00 Available Here

Love Heart Bracelet - - £6.00 Available Here

Heart Print Tights - Missguided - £9.99 Available Here

Gold Heart T Shirt - Topshop - £18.00 Available Here

What will you girls be getting for Valentines Day? Please link any heart themed clothes below so I can check them out!