Monday, 2 January 2012

Monster nails!

Hello Lovelies!!

I wanted to introduce you all to one of my lovely Xmas presents...... my Bundle Monster stamping plates. There are 2 different sets available by Bundle Monster - I went for set 2 as it had better reviews and more designs on that I would use. This set has 25 plates in and each plate has 6 designs on (that's a massive 150 designs!). The designs include full nail wraps, tip only designs and single pictures.

'So....... How does it work?!'

Well to start with you will need the following:

Available HERE

Available HERE

Your regular stuff will do!

Fast drying polishes work and Konad also do a specialist stamping range

'I've got my list .... now what!?'
1. To start off with clean the nail (you can either stamp onto your natural nail or on to a pre-painted nail)

2. Apply nail polish generously all over the desired image 

3. Scrape the scraper across the polish

(Which will leave your image looking something like this)

4. Push down on the image with your stamper in a simple up and down motion (don't roll it on or wiggle it otherwise the image will smudge)

(Your image will be transferred on to the stamper like this)

5. Line the image up and place onto the nail in a rolling motion (side to side)

6. Clean up your plate, scraper and any stray polish with your remover and cotton pads/buds.

And TAA DAA repeat as desired and finish with a top coat!

My first proper attempt at stamping.... Not too shabby if I say so myself!

Has anyone else had a go at stamping? I would love to see your designs! 


  1. Great post, I am a new follower.
    Good luck on your blog! I am still semi new to this also, but send me an email if you have any questions or anything. Some bloggers are vicious. lol.

  2. This Looks Amazing! I Maybe Have To Invest :D x

  3. Well done! (:

  4. @Sav Grace - Thanks! You are too kind! I will be asking all kinds of silly questions no doubt!

    @AliceInWonderland - Do it! They are fab!

    @Majbritt L - THANKS :D x

  5. Really pretty, I want to try it myself too. I'm bidding on one on eBay actually. :)

  6. need to have a go at this! thanks, good post! xoxo
