Wednesday, 28 December 2011

A Monthly Subscription to Shoes?!

Sounds too good to be true right?! Well it's here for £39.95 per month!

With the sweet Geordie sound of Cheryl Cole on the advert my ears stuck up and I paid attention! The advert was for Stylist Pick ... so I popped in the web address and scooted over to have a look. 

First off you take a free style quiz - which consists of 20 multiple choice questions (eg 'Who's celeb style do you admire the most?). After answering these 20 questions you are then given your 'Result'....

My 'Edgy' Look Book Style Result Page


You are then able to browse a few items (There is also bags and accessories to choose from) while the style team get to work creating a personalised 'Showroom' just for you. It took about a week or so for my first Showroom to come through and then then a new Showroom is up for you on the 1st of every month. Here's some of my 'Picks':

So how much does it cost I hear you cry! Well its £39.95 per month and for this you get to choose an item from your Showroom (Shoes, Bag or Accessory) to be delivered to your door. P&P is free and so is returns! HOWEVER your first item is 25% off (so £29.95).

Sounds great..... What's the catch?! Once you make your first purchase you automatically become a VIP Member - whereby the subscription cost is taken every month. Of course there may not be any items you want from your showroom that month - you can of course 'Skip the Month' but you have to do this by Midnight of the 5th of each month. Now the thing is if you forget to hit the 'Skip the Month' button they will charge you the £39.95 and a store credit will be charged to your account (valid for 2 years). This is the main drawback for me.... as if you forget it is a lot of money to be taken from your account and held in a store credit. Also everything on the site is the same price (£39.95) apart from the Cheryl Cole items (which is a shame as they are nicest items!).

From my showroom nothing really jumps out at me so I wont be purchasing anything this month.... But I love this concept! Fingers crossed for some better items in my Showroom in Jan!

Is anyone else signed up to this site? What do you gals think?


  1. I'm so tempted to sign up, but I know what you mean, I'm so forgetful!
    Love the post

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