Friday, 13 January 2012

Detox time? The Refresh and Recover Beauty Box is here!!!

Hey lovelies! 

So I wanted to tell you all about Latest In Beauty, which is a kind of 'Try before you buy' site specializing in beauty products, and in particular their latest beauty box!

Now the great thing about this beauty box is that it is NOT a monthly subscription. You get to see what is in the box on the website and then decide to buy it or what depending on if you fancy what's inside. And the box is perfectly sized to fit through the letterbox! (No more trawling to the post office to pick up your beauty box!) The only bad thing is that they only release a new box every couple of months or so - so you have to wait a while for your next fix! 

On to the box itself...... this is the latest offering and it is called 'The Refresh and Recover' box (who doesn't need one of these in January right?!) Some of the things in it are a little random, but hey lets give it a go anyway! This box costs £6.95 and for this you get 6 standard items and get to pick the other 2, that's a massive 8 items in total (and for some reason I got an extra item in my box - woop!)

My Box Containing; Bastise Tropical dry shampoo (50ml), Dove Hair Therapy Conditioner (50ml), Lavera Hand Cream (20ml) Cosmetofruit Total Body Boost (30ml), Sun Shots Sunscreen (20ml), Fig & Rouge Balm (8ml), Teapigs Peppermint Teabag (1 bag), Actimint Mints (3 mints), Monu Recovery Balm (5ml)

  • Batiste - THE only dry shampoo to have, I love this to throw in my liquid bag for when I am away on my travels! Simply spray in hair to refresh between washes! 
  •  Dove Hair Therapy Conditioner - I LOVE this! I am quite a hair product snob and don't stray from my Salon products.... But I have to admit this is just as good as my Sebastian Treatment. I use this as a treatment after washing and conditioning (leave on for about 5 mins)
  • Lavera Hand Cream -  smells of Palma Violets a little! I have sooo many hand creams as they seem to be in every beauty box at the mo!
      *The Batiste and Dove where the 2 extra products I picked out myself

  • Monu Recovery Balm - put on after cleansing and toning... Monu are really pushing there products at the mo (this box came with a huge Monu Booklet aswell)
  • Sun Shots - SPF 25 Suncream - This was kind of an extra as it wasn't on the list to be in the box. I'e had these before and they are fab to throw in my liquid bag for when am on standby (not knowing if I am gonna end up somewhere hot or not!)
  • Fig and Rouge Balm - For protecting skin against dryness; can be used on lip, face and body. I am not the biggest fan of this smell (sweet geranium). It wont drag me away from my Moa Green Balm!

               Now for the Randomness!!!!!!!! Not the usual things you would expect to find in a beauty box but kinda makes it cool!
  • ActiMint - Mints which have 'Friendly Bacteria' to help aid good digestive health. The idea of consuming bacteria (friendly or not) kinda freaks me out a little ... however I will definatley be packing these in my work handbag so I can have minty fresh breath during my 11 hour flight!
  • Teapigs Peppermint Teabag - Kinda a pyramid teabag with 'real' tealeaves inside. Unfortunately I don't drink tea or coffee so will be passing on this one.
  • Cosmetofruit Body Boost - This thing actually confused the heck out of me... but I eventually figured it out .... you put 4ml a day into the little white space ship thing it comes with and drink it.... Yes DRINK it!! (It is Cranberry and Wild Murta flavour) Wierd hey!? The idea is it repairs from the inside and drains fluid and lipids preventing cellulite. Whilst just the thought of this makes me wanna gag I am definatley going to give it a go.... this sample should last 7 days so am going to combine it with a few good gym sessions.

Ooo I almost forgot to add some money off codes came with this box if anyone is interested.... 
20% off a full size Monu Recovery Balm : enter code RECOVERYLIB at (ends 29th Feb)
20% off Matcha Tea ; enter code BEAUTY12 at (ends 31st Jan)

Has anyone else received this box?! If so what 2 samples did you pick yourselves? And has anyone gave the Cosmetofruit a go yet? 


  1. i got the box too - still to review. I got the balance me rose otto lip balm and shower wash. Great value set. I've tried the cosmetofruit and it doesn't taste that great but I'll give it a go! x

  2. @Beauty Balm - Your brave tasting the cometofuit stuff!! Am working my way up to it! But if it gets rid of cellulite am there!

  3. @Beauty Fiend - welcome to my blog :D x

  4. I've been loving Monu lately. The skin perfector is a great product too. Have u tried it?

    Also, I'm having a giveaway, if you'd like to enter. :)

  5. @Alex - i think i had a skin perfector from a glossybox? Gonna use the skin perfector tonight before bed i think! :D x

  6. Great post. I wish they had something similar to this in the USA. I'm currently subscribed to Birchbox but I wish we could actually choose what we want.

  7. Snap indeed! I chose the Clarins Multi-Active Jour and the This Works No wrinkles Extreme Moisturiser! I'm absolutely LOVING the Figs & Rouge balm for lips, cuticles, hair, dry skin and aromatherapy (geranium restores balance...I need balance ha!)I've also had my shot of cosmetofruit for breakfast - I like this box!

    Lainey x

  8. @Reese - Birchbox sounds great! hopefully they will get something like LIB in USA! x

  9. thanks for sharing this (:! everything is interesting.
    CMPang x

  10. oh wow, i've not heard of this one - there's so many beauty boxes around now. And i want to sign up to ALL of them! xxx

  11. Lucky you, I adore Tea Pigs - you should try one of their fruit bags!

  12. I have to agree, that Dove conditioner seriously works wonders! x

  13. @Temporary Secretary - They've just released a new one today - its fab it has Liz Earle in and Bare Minerals amongst others!

    @Rachel - i don't drink hot drinks :( think this will be kept for my friend or boyfriend!

    @Sophie Isobel - I am definatley going to buy a full size one of these!!


  14. I like the sound of their beauty box, seems a bit more practical!

    Enter my giveaway?

  15. WOW only 7 pounds for all those item? I have to check this out now. Thanks for the post! :)

  16. wow this definitely seems worth a try! definitely sounds much better than the other beauty boxes! might have to try that dove conditioner my hairs so dry! <3
